Airfix Airfield Control Tower 1:76

Control tower, part of the RAF Linton-on-Ouse diorama built as part of the diorama tribute to Squadron Leader Malcolm Dalton Loucks, now on permanent display at the Montreal Aviation Museum. Note the added stanchion at the bottom of the stairs and the guardrail rigged from it to the stanchion at the top of the stairs.
During World War II, there was a huge construction boom in air fields throughout southern England, to accommodate the increasing number of squadrons, both British and American, who needed space for the vast air fleet poised against Germany. The ‘heart’ of these operations was the field’s control tower. This space provided radio contact with the aircraft, weather information and general ground control during operations.
These control buildings were generally quite similar to each other and housed several rooms aside from the one on top that had direct control over the aircraft on and around the field. These control towers housed the weather office, the radio room, as well as the room that provided power for the various runway lighting and other aids. There were generally block-shaped structures of three stories and had a balcony on the second and a roof-top observation area. Several still exist in the UK, though the number has been steadily dwindling over the years as room is needed for other uses of the land.